Friday, August 13, 2010

feed me to the birds... twist tell im a knot that cant be undone.

dont worry i wont let you get lost. ill never lose you. Ill leave you a path so you can find me. Ill fake tan and lay out in the sun for days tell im dry and my skin falls off with each step. ill walk the path to my home and ill dance that path. Leaving behind a trail of me. Ill be like a dandylion, make a wish. It better be about me. Ill do this naked for you. all the way to my place. Ill wait for you there.

Ill move about. waiting for you. I should know better then to wait for you. But ill wait and move tell i have no skin left and mu muscles and vains will touch the air. Ill become sticky with blood, yet ill keep moving and twisting tell my arms stick to my legs and my back and thighs. ill twist and bend tell im all tied up. Ill get so twisted that no one will be able to undo me. I wont stop. ill move further into the knot. This is how you will find me, that is if you ever show.

This is how you will find me. all tied up for you.